Tried, True, Tested.
RapidBac™Vet produces a result in less than twenty minutes, costs one-third as much as urine culture, does not require any instrumentation, and correlates with urine culture.
RapidBac™ VET
The test utilizes a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies targeting a panel of bacterial surface proteins
The Power of Knowledge
RapidBac™ VET
Lateral Flow Immunoassay (LFA)
Trusted by thousands of clinics worldwide
Direct replacement for urine culture
Low cost
Results in less than 20 minutes
Quickly confirm presence or absence of Gram-positive and Gram-negative strains
Test the patient on-the-spot, without the need for a return visit
Fraction of the cost of urine culture or expensive laboratory machines
The performance of RapidBac™ Vet has been validated for dogs and cats.
Dogs 2023
University of California Davis
Dogs 2021
Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
Cats 2017
The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Dogs 2016
North Carolina State Veterinary Hospital
RapidBac™ Vet In Figures
overall accuracy
Source: North Carolina State Veterinary Hospital Comparison Test: Urine Culture
What Veterinarians Are Saying
This test provides veterinary practices with an accurate and cost-effective point-of-care solution that can be performed during the patient’s initial office visit, for one of the most commonly ordered laboratory procedures.
Until now, the only accurate method of detecting bacteriuria was by urine culture, an expensive and time-consuming test performed at specialized laboratories. Expand your in-house testing capabilities and you won’t have to wait days for results of a test performed by a third party outside of your office.
Don’t chase your tail.
Know More. Faster.
Questions? Contact us today to learn more about how RapidBac™ Vet can help you help your patients!